Call for Special Issue - Vietnam Journal of Education
The last fifty years has witnessed challenges and opportunities in teacher education to prepare the capable workforce to meet the ever-changing demands of the job market. Policy makers, researchers and educators across the world have also discussed persistent and emerging issues facing the teaching profession. These issues include teachers’ low salaries but high demand for the profession, low enrollments in teacher preparation programs but high turnover rates, and declining trust from society but rising expectations from stakeholders in education. In these times of pandemic and uncertainty, teachers at all levels in Vietnam as well as in various contexts are facing new challenges due to the constant switch between onsite and online learning. However, they are increasingly expected to be on the frontline as problem solvers, change agents, leaders, and technology, social and emotional supporters.
So how have teacher trainers and educators done to support in-service and pre-service teachers to successfully perform these important roles? In what ways have teacher education and professional development programs engaged in building teacher resilience both professionally and personally? What are new issues these programs need to pay attention to support teachers to cope with crises in the future and assure ongoing quality student learning?
Thus, Vietnam Journal of Education, in collaboration with EduNet, would like to invite research contributions that deal with the sustainable development of the teacher workforce for a sustainable future of education to publish in a special issue. This will enable a large readership for the purposes of accessing, studying, referencing, and sharing the findings of research conducted by both national and international scholars. We welcome articles that are related to issues including but not limited to:
- policies on teaching profession;
- teacher preparation, professional development, and induction programs;
- course design and evaluation of these programs;
- theories and innovative practices in teacher education and professional development such as culturally-responsive teaching, equity and social justice, environmental and sustainability education;
- teacher wellbeing and self-care;
- teacher leadership capacity building;
- teacher education and professional development in online and blended learning;
- teacher education and professional development in effective learning environments that are responsive to natural disasters and pandemics.
- Papers must be original, unpublished works, and they must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Language of submission: English
- Length of full papers: 6,000 words (inclusive of reference list) following the structure as specified at
- Font: Times New Roman; size 12; 1.5 spacing
- Reference: APA 7th Edition Style
- Full paper submission: August 1st, 2021
- 1st review return: August 30th, 2021
- Revised manuscript submission: September 30th, 2021
- 2nd review return (if any): October 30th, 2021
- Complete manuscript submission: November 15th, 2021
- This call for Special Issue under Vietnam Journal Of Education is partially taken from “Teacher Education and Professional Development” track, Vietnam Education Symposium (VES) 2021 with the theme “Higher Education’s Adaptation to Crises” (
- Full manuscripts need to be sumitted via VES 2021 When submitting, kindly (1) omit any information that identifies the author(s), to allow for a blind review and (2) select the option “Special Issue for Vietnam Journal of Education”.
- Being accepted for conference presentation does not mean that manuscripts will be accepted for the Special Issue. All manuscripts will need to go through a blind review process as specified by Vietnam Journal of Education.
- EduNet (AVSE Global) is the collaborator to initiate this Special Issue and Dr Khong Thi Diem Hang, on behalf of EduNet, is co-responsible for the quality of the Special Issue.
Dr Khong Thi Diem Hang, Monash University
Dr Khong Thi Diem Hang is currently a Teaching Associate at Faculty of Education, Monash University. She is also a collaborator of EduNet, AVSE Global. She earned her Master of Educational Studies and PhD in education at the University of Queensland, Australia in 2013 and 2020 respectively. Her research interests include classroom talk, critical thinking, teacher professional development and learning, school reform, lesson study, and education policy. She has been a volunteer to support schools and teachers in Bac Giang Province to implement Professional Teachers’ Meetings based on Lesson Study since 2007. This model has now become a national policy, particularly at primary school level. She has published articles in highly regarded international peer-reviewed journals and book chapters under prestigious publishers. Particularly, one of her papers was awarded the Most Read Article throughout 2014 of Educational Review, making it to Class of 2015 which includes free articles in 2015. She has also served a reviewer for renowned international journals.
Dr Nguyen Phuong Thao, Hanoi National University of Education
Dr Nguyen Phuong Thao is currently a lecturer at Hanoi National University of Education. She earned her BA and MA in geography education at the same university and her PhD in geography education at Muenster University, Germany. Her research interests include education for the sustainable development, geography education, teacher capacity building, pedagogies, and climate change (vulnerability due to climate change, climate change education, and community-based adaptation). Dr Thao has published articles in educational science in SCI, SSCI and Scopus journals (Q1 and Q2) and served as a reviewer for highly regarded international journals.
Assoc. Prof Nguyen Tien Trung, PhD and Assoc. Prof Bui Thi Minh Hong, PhD