Factors Affecting Vietnamese Higher Education Quality in the Context of Industry 4.0
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Industry 4.0 has challenged the quality of higher education by demanding more employability besides the academic and vocational skills of undergraduate laborers. Previous studies have addressed this issue unidimensionally. This study explores the measurement model of higher education quality multidimensionally under this circumstance by (1) Confirming the factors to measure higher education quality functionally and technically and (2) Ranking the factors in the quality measurement model. The qualitative Delphi method based on twenty in-depth interviews was conducted to fulfill the study’s objectives. The findings show that both the functional and technical dimensions of education quality have been integrated into the Vietnamese Higher Education Institution (HEIs) quality model including: (1) output; (2) critical thinking and problem-solving; (3) organizing and managing ability; (4) adaptability; (5) lifelong learning; (6) teaching process; (7) creativity and innovation; (8) expertise and digitalization; (9) administrative process; (10) learning process; (11) foreign language; and (12) input. The priority of output and learners’ competencies over input and education process in the model highlights the need for proper policies to effectively improve Vietnamese HEIs quality.
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