A FRAME Model-based Investigation into the Implementation of M-Learning in Classrooms from the Perspectives of Vietnamese High School Teachers and Students in Southern Vietnam
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The current study aims to investigate how Vietnamese high school teachers and students perceive the implementation of mobile learning (M-learning) in classrooms. In this exploratory qualitative study, using a transcendental phenomenology approach, five teachers and six students were invited for semi-structured interviews. The data was then analysed using an analytic tool that was developed from the Framework for the Rational Analysis of Mobile Education (FRAME) model. The findings show that the key prerequisites for M-learning adoption in Vietnamese secondary schools were met, which potentially entail several benefits, including instant feedback, differentiated teaching, increased student involvement and 21st century competencies. Inadequate facilities, negative influences from external variables, instructor incapacity and a lack of student discipline were the barriers to the viability of M-learning in the classroom environment. The suggestions highlighted the responsibilities of the authorities, teachers and the autonomy of the students. Several theoretical and pedagogical implications for policymakers and future research are also discussed.
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