A Research Review on Curriculum for English Language Teacher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis from Scopus Database
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The widespread influence of English as an international language in the age of globalization has brought about substantial transformations in English language teacher education (ELTE) curricula and spurred increased research on this subject. However, a comprehensive analysis of the research status of ELTE curricula is still absent. To address this gap, the current study employs bibliometric analysis, a method for exploring and analyzing large volumes of scientific data, to construct an intellectual structure of research on the topic. Using data retrieved from the Scopus Database, comprising 267 publications, the study involves bibliometric analyses such as citation, co-authorship, and keyword co-occurrence. The results indicate a noteworthy increase in research volume over the last five years, with a predominant presence of publications from the Global North in terms of geographical distribution. Additionally, the most cited works primarily focus on innovative pedagogical methods in ELTE. Notably, the study identifies 10 clusters of topics representing newly emerged themes in ELTE curricula research. The findings underscore the significance of investigating ELTE curricula, positioning it as a promising research area. Therefore, this study is recommended as a foundational resource for future researchers exploring related subjects.
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