Applying the Concepts of “Community” and “Social Interaction” from Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development in Math Teaching to Develop Learner’s Math Communication Competencies
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As an integral skill in Math learning at high schools, Math communication competencies are formed and developed throughout the process of Math learning in the classroom environment through student-teacher, student-student as well as student-learning material and instrument interactions. Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development acts as the foundation and guideline for the teaching and learning process at school, emphasizing the role of social interaction in cognitive development. The study presents the two concepts of ‘community’ and ‘social interactions’ from the theory by Vygotsky for application in Math teaching. The article starts with clarifying the two concepts above in the context of Math classrooms, then proposes several sample activities of teaching Algebra in high schools with the application of the two concepts to develop learners’ Math communication competence.
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