The Dialectical Unity between the Part and the Whole in the Conception of Marxist - Leninist Philosophy
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The concept of the “part” and the “whole,” as well as the relationship between them, is a major topic in the history of philosophy in general, and the history of Western philosophy in particular, which has been discussed by many philosophers and schools of philosophy. However, for different reasons, only when the Marxist-Leninist philosophy was formed and developed, the most fundamental factor from the worldview and methodological position, the conception of “part” and “whole” as well as the dialectical unity between the “part” and the “whole” are explained most accurately and scientifically. Nevertheless, for several reasons, the above issue is rarely mentioned and studied systematically in Vietnam, despite being one of the significant contents, constituting the great values of materialist dialectics. Therefore, the study of the Marxist-Leninist philosophical conception of the dialectical unity between the “part” and the “whole” has great theoretical significance and involves many critical methodological aspects, providing effective thinking tools to help people practice effectively.
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