The Predictors of Students’ Satisfaction and Academic Achievements in Online Learning Environment in Higher Education
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Student satisfaction is crucial in remote education course evaluation because it is linked to the quality of online programs and student academic performance. Meanwhile, self-regulated learning is crucial in both traditional and online learning environments since it involves the ability to organize, manage, and control their learning process. In this study, the authors tested the correlations between student satisfaction and academic achievement involving student characteristics, self-regulated learning, and Internet self-efficacy. Data were collected from 750 undergraduate students responding to an online survey questionnaire. To examine the correlation between factors in this research, a correlation analysis approach in SPSS 25 was utilized. Qualitative data were coded using MAXQDA in order to figure out other factors affecting student satisfaction. The results of the research showed Internet self-efficacy, self-regulated learning, student satisfaction, and academic achievement were significantly correlated with each other whereas gender and students’ prior experience online were perceived to highly correlate with those constructs as well. Qualitative results indicated factors impacting students’ satisfaction in online learning and supported most part of the quantitative results. Pedagogical implications and limitations of the study are also discussed.
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