How to Create, Maintain, and Reinforce Students’ Motivation and Engagement in Online Education: A Discussion
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Online (virtual) education is a teaching and learning method selected by many institutions, including Eastern International University (EIU), to overcome the lockdown and curfew periods during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this knowledge transferring mode, maintaining students’ engagement and motivation is the concern of lectures and school administrators. This study discusses the origin, advantages, and disadvantages of online teaching, compared with on-campus face-to-face education. Also, using the results of a student survey conducted by the Student Services Office, this study highlights some serious issues related to online education in the Becamex Business School at Eastern International University, including poor internet connection, lack of interaction between lecturers and students, external noises, and students’ insufficient attention to the lectures. Then, this study proposes four solutions to remedy these problems: (1) student-friendly or familiar examples, (2) technology-aided teaching methods, (3) project-based assessment, and (4) seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education.
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