Determinants of Online Education Technology Acceptance Among Vietnamese Undergraduates: A UTAUT-Typed Model Analysis
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The COVID-19 pandemic and information technology development have boosted online education, especially at higher education institutions. However, what makes online education exciting and valuable and influences student acceptance is not always understood. Using the modified unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model, stratified probability sampling method, the survey technique, 232 valid Vietnamese undergraduates as respondents, reliability and Pearson correlation tests, confirmatory factor analysis, and SEM, this study shows that the performance expectancy is not statistically significant in affecting the Vietnamese undergraduates' behavioral intentions related to online education technology acceptance. Also, the facilitating conditions are not statistically significant in affecting usage behavior. However, effort expectancy and social influence are statistically significant and positively affect Vietnamese undergraduates' behavioral intentions related to online education technology acceptance. Furthermore, the empirical results support behavioral intention's positive and significant impact on usage behavior. These findings help educators gain further knowledge of students' needs and then invest more in education technology for the success of their students and institutions. Also, higher education institutions are encouraged to spend more time and resources to train their students using technology to boost their online education acceptance.
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