Online-Merge-Offline Model for Distance Learning in English Language Education: A Case Study
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Technology integration in education has gained significant attention, offering numerous benefits for learning. However, challenges still exist in effectively incorporating technology in education due to cost, accessibility, and limited understanding of its practical applications. This study aims to explore the implementation of the Online-Merge-Offline (OMO) model within an English center, utilizing the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. Employing mixed-methods in an exploratory case study, the research examines the demand for the OMO model, content focus, and teaching methods in distance learning for English language education. By equipping teachers with self-instructional materials, multimedia tools, and online resources, the OMO model provides valuable insights into overcoming challenges associated with integrating educational technology (Ed-Tech) and enhancing students’ learning experiences. Feedback from a diverse range of participants, including students, parents, school leaders, and local English teachers, was positive, emphasizing the effectiveness of the OMO model in reducing costs, increasing student motivation, and highlighting the importance of qualified teachers, well-designed content, and personalized instruction. Drawing data from a sample of 900 students across 41 primary and secondary schools in 20 districts of Nghe An province, the study’s findings and insights gathered through semi-structured interviews with 20 school leaders, 20 local teachers, 20 students, and their parents hold implications for distance learning in similar educational contexts.
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