An Application of the Boyer Model in Developing Business Faculty in Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Accreditation in Vietnamese Membership Institutes
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The Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) is an accrediting body that assesses the quality and integrity of business-related training programs at educational institutions. As ACBSP applied the Boyer model in evaluating, categorising the business faculty, forcing the faculties to develop the quality of their human resources indirectly, improved education quality. This paper was written to reflect how the Boyer model was applied in business faculties in Vietnamese member institutes and how the institutes are changing to fulfill the standards. The methodology that would be used to analyze the secondary data is descriptive analysis. The data is collected under the acceptance of those institutes. The primary data could be deep interviews with faculty managers, faculty members, board of management of the institutes. In order to be more convincing, the research would also pick some ACBSP members as empirical studies. The findings of the research are the trends of the faculties and the lesson withdrawn from their changing experience.
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