Text mining in the trend of education 4.0: A study on clustering mathematical terms of algebra textbooks in Vietnamese high schools


  • Tuan Anh Bui Department of Mathematics Education, Teachers College, Can Tho University, Vietnam
  • Diem-Chinh Thi Ho Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Chi Hong Nguyen Department of Mathematics Education, Teachers College, Can Tho University, Vietnam
  • Huynh Nhu Phan Department of Mathematics Education, Teachers College, Can Tho University, Vietnam
  • Linh Yen Nguyen Department of Mathematics Education, Teachers College, Can Tho University, Vietnam



How to Cite

Bui, T. A., Ho, D.-C. T., Nguyen, C. H., Phan, H. N., & Nguyen, L. Y. (2020). Text mining in the trend of education 4.0: A study on clustering mathematical terms of algebra textbooks in Vietnamese high schools. Vietnam Journal of Education, 4(4), 59–68. https://doi.org/10.52296/vje.2020.81


In the context of Educational Revolution 4.0, text mining with digital tools plays an important role. Various techniques and softwares have been employed in text mining, among which the clustering technique using Atlas.ti, a German software, is widely used thanks to its versatility and open access. This article presents the results of clustering Mathematical terms in Algebra textbook in Vietnamese high schools with the support of Atlas.ti. Initial research results can yield the insight into the relationship among Mathematical terms in the curriculum, thereby, aiming for a better teaching process.


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How to Cite

Bui, T. A., Ho, D.-C. T., Nguyen, C. H., Phan, H. N., & Nguyen, L. Y. (2020). Text mining in the trend of education 4.0: A study on clustering mathematical terms of algebra textbooks in Vietnamese high schools. Vietnam Journal of Education, 4(4), 59–68. https://doi.org/10.52296/vje.2020.81



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